Can a Spiritual Retreat Help you Discover Healing, Connection and Purpose?

What are you searching for in your life? If it is lasting growth and transformation, a deeper connection to yourself and loved ones or your purpose and direction in life, where or how do you find that?

We are living in times where many people feel like there is something missing from their lives, but they are not sure what that is. When I was a kid, it seemed that church and our communities, schools, clubs and after school activities held us together. But today many people feel a sense of being divided, exhausted, confused and unsure where to turn. We are bombarded with messages that tell us that happiness and contentment are just a few clicks away.

How do you choose? Maybe you could…

• practice yoga and meditation,
• spend time in the Amazon with a shaman,
• jump out of a plane,
• climb Mt. Everest,
• buy a new car,
• get a new wardrobe,
• drink the “right” brand of vodka,
• discover your ancestry…

Inevitably after clicking and searching we can end up more confused, more isolated and separate – disconnected from our selves and our loved ones.

Let’s get real – a New Year, or a new job, a new adventure or a new church is not going to heal the separation, discontentment and loneliness. Neither, will any one spiritual retreat give you a magical transformation.  I just said that. So, keep reading, because I am going to say it again. No one retreat or vacation or jungle medicine journey is going to fix the emptiness you may be feeling today.

There is no magic wand. This is hard work. It begins with getting real with yourself, being able to own all of the disconnection that you feel and the emptiness and loss that accumulated over your lifetime. Until you can own it, you can’t heal it. If you don’t heal it, you can’t authentically connect with your friends, family, or loved ones.  That sounds like work and feeling uncomfortable – who wants to do that?

Discovering just how disconnected you are to your self, learning that you and the stranger across the room, and the stranger sitting next to you are all in the same boat – it is messy and eye opening, but it is the beginning of something amazing.

The freedom that you feel when you realize that you are not in this life alone is like the very first bite of the very best thing you have ever tasted. Or maybe best put, it is like the very best sex ever.

Who wouldn’t want that? Seriously.

Isn’t this is what we are looking for? Healing, connection, community, purpose. It starts with getting really, really real with your self. And that is just the beginning.

If you are looking to connect with yourself, realize your inner potential, and find a direction and deeper meaning for your life, you might be looking for the spiritual retreat that doesn’t just make you feel good in the moment, but gives you connection and community for a life time – if that is your goal.

The Path of Love 7-Day Retreat incorporates a wide range of research and teachings including the work of Osho, Jungian psychology, somatic therapeutic approaches and Sufi mysticism. This residential spiritual retreat has been described as “psycho-spiritual rock n’roll” and combines Western psychotherapeutic traditions with Eastern practices about meditation and prayer. The Path of Love 7-Day residential retreat is a constantly evolving synthesis of spiritual psychology and personal growth. The result is a hybrid of West-meets-East thinking to help healing and the rediscovery of the joy of life.

When you recognize your old patterns and defenses for what they are, and bring them into your reality with passion, presence and power, you give yourself the possibility to experience your own divine nature, a conscious and unforgettable connection with existence and Truth.

This gives you a real, honest life, one you can experience in all of its possibilities with clarity, confidence, and connection.

Are you ready to learn more?




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