Celebrating a New Year….and a New Beginning!

Dear friends of Path Retreats,

As I turn my attention from the last year and look forward to the next, I am particularly struck by the remarkable blessing to not only witness and participate in the profoundly amazing personal transformations that happen in the Path of Love work but also for the very satisfying job of working together with the brilliant team of people which underpins and drives Path Retreats.

The big news I am thrilled to tell you about is that we have a beautiful and completely new website which we are over-the-moon excited about.

As we are ever aspiring to grow and change I feel this is certainly the closest we have come to expressing and representing who we are as a culture, an international community, a business and a spiritually-based organization offering fabulously deep group work as well as social action projects intended to help with some of the challenges of the unstable world we live in.

On this new site you will find many new videos from leaders and participants, an outline of the stream of groups and support we offer as well as the addition of a very important new wing of our work called Love in Action.

There are also many new features including the opportunity for curious new people to schedule calls to find out more about the groups and our organization, resources for therapists considering to recommend Path of Love for their clients, information on our scholarship program, and a place to submit ideas for Love in Action volunteer projects.

There is also a place in the footer where you can request more information and receive a really beautiful 12-page packet about the work.

It is also quite lovely and easy to use…we are excited to share it…and hope you enjoy visiting it as much as we do!



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