Path of Love Meditation Retreat


Moa Oasis Retreat Center

Negev Desert


Path of Love
A Life-Changing Personal Growth and Meditation Retreat

7-Days to Change Your Life

The Path of Love 7-day meditation retreat is one of the most intensive and life-changing process in the world today. Established 28 years ago in India, this residential personal development and meditation retreat is now conducted in 17 countries, on five continents and in six languages. It has gained an extraordinary reputation amongst people who really want to come to know the truth about themselves.

At a Path of Love meditation retreat you will…

  • Face and shift core issues including healing from grief and past trauma.
  • Have a safe place to express and resolve feelings around a lack of closeness between partners, friends, parents, or children, and address, genuinely feel, and work through pain from past and current relationships and life experiences.
  • Learn to be still and present, feel your emotions, listen to your body, and reduce the dominance of the mind.
  • Experience reduction in stress, fear, and anxiety, learn to be emotionally honest, discover your inner richness, and find an increased self-worth and passion for life.
Israel Path of Love Graduates!

The Path of Love 7-Day Personal Growth & Meditation Retreat includes:

  • A one-to-one call (pre-process) with a Path of Love Organizer or Facilitator
  • 7-Days of immersion in Path of Love meditation retreat with highly qualified therapists, including both individual and group therapy.
  • Over 100 hours of the Path of Love Meditation retreat, course materials and support
  • 5-day Integration process (post-Path of Love retreat)
  • Two Group Zoom follow-up sessions within the first month (led by Path of Love Facilitator)
  • 3-weeks of follow up sharings with another group member
  • 8-week e-mail graduate aftercare program
  • Access to worldwide community of graduates, including group sharing sessions, online programs designed for graduates, and Meditation Retreat Evenings for graduates in select cities

Called “5 years of transformation in one week”, this personal development and meditation retreat will challenge and enrich you, and give you the meaning and fulfillment we all long for.

“A meditator needs no personal guidance. A meditator, on the contrary, needs only one thing: the atmosphere of meditation. He needs other meditators; he needs to be surrounded by other meditators. Because whatever goes on happening within us is not only within us, it affects people who are close by. In this communion people are at different stages of meditation. To meditate with these people, just to sit silently with these people, and you will be pulled more and more towards your own intrinsic potentiality.” – Osho

Benefits of the Path of Love 7-Day residential meditation retreat include:

The ability to connect and make deep, authentic contact with others.

The capacity to be still and present, feel your emotions, listen to your body and reduce the dominance of the mind.

A natural confidence and trust that you can meet life’s challenges, choose actions that are empowering, and create the life that you long for.

Reduction of stress, fear, and anxiety, and healing from grief and loss.

An increase in your passion for life and sense of your true value, resulting in an innate capacity to live in joy, ease and dignity.

Recognition of our common humanity.

Inclusiveness of all life, despite religion, race, caste, cultural background, gender, social status, or any other perceived difference. This leads naturally to acceptance and living in peace.

Recognition and appreciation of your essential “spiritual” nature, the part of you that exists behind and beyond the conditioned layer of the personality.

Moa Oasis Meditation Retreat Center

Moa is an astonishing retreat center in the Negev desert, in the south of Israel. It is surrounded by a vast ancient untouched desert, located along the ancient Nabatean incense route, between the legendary city of Petra and on towards the seaport of the Mediterranean in an area recently declared as a world heritage site.


Moa is also a Buddhist center with a community of people who are dedicating their life to meditation and self-exploration. Here Buddhist of all ages and backgrounds are serving as hosts, preparing the food, meditating, moving in a subtle synchronicity of their being in service. This creates a powerful field, a Buddha-afield, where your heart is taking in to depth and in to love.


Moa is a place where you are not distracted by the world – a place of meditation in which silence echoes in the vastness, in a pure land, a paradise on earth, which offers ideal conditions for deep transformation and awareness to expand.

Transform yourself…transform the world.

Weekly Wisdom.

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Schedule a call with one of our Retreat Advisors to learn more about the Path of Love 7-Day Retreat.

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