Niche Nurturing – Path of Love Featured in Mindfood Magazine

The increasing interest in wellness has led to an influx of spas and retreats offering various services. This revolution has made targeting specific concerns a whole lot easier. Here’s our pick of the world’s best specialty programmes.

Feeling well and good is a daily discipline and sometimes the way forward is to check in for a wellness overhaul to get back on track. With so many choices now, it can be tricky to know which retreat is best for you. While not always cheap, the consensus is they will save you money at the ‘other end’ by reducing hospital bills. Our recommendation is to select one that is focused on addressing specific issues rather than promising a quick fix. At the same time, listen to your gut and be open to a new experience – you never know who you may meet. Whatever you choose, you are bound to depart recharged and motivated to maintain your health for the better.


Path Retreats, various locations

If you long for a deeply healing retreat and a chance to let go of old wounds, beliefs and concepts then you are ready for a Path of Love Retreat. Established 22 years ago in India, these seven-day residential programmes are held around the world, including in Australia, and appeal to those who seek the truth about themselves. In this confidential space, your programme consists of activities and workshops that challenge you to let go of the old to bring you into a state of aliveness and intensity for an authentic life. During the retreat, you will be guided to shed layers and strip away any of the falsity that characterises so much of what we see in the world today, and in ourselves.

This excerpt is part of an article written by Judy Chapman, titled Niche Nurturing, from Mindfood Magazine, Australia and New Zealand.

For the rest of the article, please visit:

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