Announcing our Mission, Vision and Values

Dear Path Retreats family,

Our new mission statement…which brings a flutter to my chest whenever I see it against those remote mountain peaks and f’ing glorious sunrise…came about one day as Rafia and I were talking about Path Retreats and what it means to us (a conversation we have so often in this magical space called Path of Love…where gratitude reigns supreme).

And Rafia said, “You know, it’s about loving this life.” And then we both realized…that is exactly what it is about. What we experience in this life can be beautiful and horrible and hopeful and heartbreaking. And we all have our stories…with our own characters and decisions and gratitudes and regrets.  But if we can face ourselves, really see ourselves and let others see who we are, work with our wounds and sadnesses and give time for our pain to heal, take care of ourselves and also be brutally honest with ourselves when we have to be, while being grateful for the whole damn business, there is great beauty in it all.

In this work, we are given a gift beyond measure. An opportunity to see ourselves, really who we actually are.  And that past our thorny groves of protection and masks extends a meadow of beauty beyond scope, a connection with something much greater than who we are in our individuality.  For some reason it makes me think of when you are laughing and every time you meet the eyes of the other it gets funnier and you just shake with more laughter, until you are both crying and your cheeks are wet and your jaw feels like bursting and at least one person says, “I can’t stop! I just can’t stop!”.

Our vision is to bring the gift of individual transformation to the world. And our values hold the solid recognition and remembrance that every day, with every action and singular decision we take in this organization, we are responsible for recognizing what brought us to this place, and how we can, in utmost integrity, honesty, and courage, contribute to a shift in global consciousness.  This is our work.

Loving this Life,

CEO Path Retreats

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