The Divine Feminine: Diving Deep Into Our True Nature


The Divine Feminine: Diving Deep Into Our True Nature
with Alima Cameron, Path of Love Leader

Friday evenings in Americas, June 12, June 19, June 26, July 3 from 5:30 – 8:00 p.m. MST
Saturday mornings in Australia, June 13, June 20, June 27, July 4 from 9:30 – 12:00 p.m.



This intensive is a four-week journey into what this Earth is longing for and reminding us of; the feminine values of receptivity, protection, and the recognition of the interconnectedness and rhythm of all things.

We will offer meditations, teachings, transmissions, surprises and facilitated sharing space, to support each woman rediscover her deep wisdom and come home to her true embodied self.


“How might your life have been different if there had been a place for you?

A place for you to go…a place of women…a place where you were nurtured from an ancient flow sustaining you and steadying you as you sought to become yourself.
A place to help you find and trust the ancient flow already there within yourself…waiting to be released…and shared.

A place of women… How might your life be different?”

A Circle of Stones by Judith Duerk


Week 1: Woman and her Voice

“Dark Silences” The Voice of Suffering and the Voice of Truth

Poet and author Tillie Ollsen describes times that are “dark with silences, times when she and others remain mute, letting what needs to be expressed die over and over again inside themselves.”

Explore and recognise your true voice and what is longing to be spoken and to be heard. Open your channel of wisdom and authenticity.


Week 2: Woman and her Shadow

Embracing Woundedness, Gathering Wholeness. Breathing the spirit of Kali.

How might your life be different if you could trust your darkness – trust your own darkness.

A journey into the intimacy of what we keep hidden, whether that is in the realm of addiction, depression or other rejected inner states. We all have them, and they are the doorways to our strength and our vulnerability. Hold the wisdom of the Feminine with compassion and knowing they are keys to the authentic Joy of Being.


Week 3: Woman and her Body and Sexuality.

Feminine Transmission and Power.

The power and wisdom of the Feminine also lies in her body and her womb. Both of these have been denigrated, judged and devalued. Her true power lies in getting in touch with her true value, her authentic feelings and true voice, and celebrating her body as the vehicle for her the feminine wisdom and power. Learn to embody your authentic self and have the courage to explore deep connection with another and have full ownership of your sexuality.


Week 4: Woman and The Divine Feminine: Coming Home

Reclaiming and embodying our feminine KNOWING

The oldest image of the Divine Feminine made by human hands 25,000 years ago is the goddess as the Great Mother. She is the Great Mystery containing both yin and yang. She is everything unfathomed about the nature of the universe, and the energy of life and consciousness. Open to meet her in your heart and your body and come home to your True Nature as a woman and to the expression of her ageless beauty and wisdom through your unique feminine transmission.




Alima has been working in the field of transformation with herself and others for 40 years. She is passionate about awakening and seeks to embody authenticity and compassion in her life and her work with people.

She has trained in many different modalities and offers individual sessions as a therapist, life coach and spiritual counsellor, specializing in trauma resolution and the search for meaning and self love within personal inner crisis. She works deeply and intuitively with each individual’s needs. She views the Path of Love as an exceptional and rare jewel of authenticity and transformation and has been facilitating, organizing, and presenting the work for over 20 years in Australia, America and worldwide. Alima sees her work and her life as a journey of humility and trust …. a gradual and loving opening toward self-awareness, presence, and conscious action in the world.



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