Path Retreats aims to contribute to a significant shift in global consciousness through actively pursuing our commitment to foster global appreciation of our diversity as humans.
No matter the age of your body, your physical characteristics, your ethnicity, your indigeneity, what religion or spiritual path you follow, gender you identify as, your sexual orientation, political beliefs you hold, cultural or socioeconomic background you originate from, whether you identify with any of these or none of them, or anything else which makes you the unique and beautiful human being that you are, Path Retreats invites you to join our community and welcomes the contribution your difference makes.

Turiya and Rafia, Founders of Path Retreats
Rafia Morgan and Turiya Hanover, over the last 40 years, have been trained in a multitude of therapeutic modalities. For a great part of that time they also received personal guidance and life-training from an enlightened master, which has given them a deep understanding and great sensitivity to the powerful, yet subtle inter-relatedness of psychological issues and the realisation of our true spiritual nature.
In their experience, only when we bring psychological and spiritual work together is true transformation possible. This synthesis truly enhances deep and lasting growth. With this approach we discover that every emotional and psychological issue is actually a potential doorway to grounded and embodied awakening. Conversely, spiritual experiences give insight into and freedom from the way our personality structure habitually functions. Thus true awakening needs psychology and true psychology needs the recognition of awakened consciousness.
For nearly 30 years, since our first retreat in India in 1995, Path of Love has grown organically - with over 95% of people learning about the retreat from a referral by a friend or family member. This, together with our hundreds of amazing volunteers, is a testament to the effectiveness of this beautiful, revolutionary, deep work, which integrates the latest research in Western psychology with proven practices of Eastern mindfulness and meditation, resulting in real transformation and happiness with life.
Our Venues
Gaia-Oasis Beach Resort
Jalan Singaraja-Amlapura Dusun Tegal Sumaga, Desa Tejakula, Singaraja-Bali 81173 Tejakula
Find out more about this venueAUS
Hunter Valley Retreat
626 Sandy Creek Rd, Quorrobolong New South Wales 2325
Find out more about this venueCAN
1905 Ch Du 6e Rang, Sainte-lucie-des-laurentides QC J0T 2J0
Find out more about this venueBRA
Pousada do Quilombo
Estr. Aquiraz-Prainha, 3059 - Lot. Parque das Fontes, Aquiraz - CE, 61700-000, Brazil
Find out more about this venueITA
Mandali Retreat Center
Via Belvedere, 2, 28898 Quarna Sopra VB, Italy
Find out more about this venue
Sunrise Ranch
Broughton Sanctuary
Gut Helmeringen
Broughton Sanctuary
Osho Miasto
OSHO Afroz Meditation Center
Gaia-Oasis Beach Resort
Hunter Valley Retreat
Pousada do Quilombo
Mandali Retreat Center
What is the Path of Love 7-day Retreat?
The Path of Love 7-day Retreat is a deep and intensive personal development process that has produced life-changing and breakthrough results for thousands of people all over the world.
Participants often mark their lives by the distinct change in their experience of life before and after they participated in the Path of Love.
This week-long personal growth and development retreat helps a person to recognize and grow out of old and limiting personality structures. Even though these old structures were needed for protection and often for survival in the past, in time they can become hindrances that keep us from a full expression of who we are. When exposed, felt, faced, and brought to awareness we learn to trust ourselves in new ways. This allows us to live the life we long for.
What sort of love are you referring to?
The Path of Love refers to love in the widest sense…the love that promotes growth, peace, and personal and spiritual unfoldment and which leads to the possibility of harmonious relations between all people.
What actually happens in the Path of Love?
During this week-long personal growth and development process you will do guided meditations, emotional release work, self-enquiry, writing assignments, and sharing with others in what we call a small group (which is usually from 9 to 12 people). There is a very safe and supportive environment for you to work in absolute confidentiality.
Is this a spiritually oriented group?
Generally speaking, it is a spiritually oriented (not religiously affiliated) group but we also incorporate a number of psychological modalities, mindfulness practices and healing methods, which are integrated into the retreats.
I have heard there is a large staff at the group. What are they doing and why is it so large?
We have quite a large volunteer staff that is generally equal to the number of participants. They have all done the retreat themselves, and are there to support the participants and to create an environment of presence, safety, and respect.
The positive and powerful personal transformation of the Path of Love 7-Day Retreat affects people in such a way that they often volunteer to help staff future workshops to give back some of what they have received. To be a member of our volunteer staff is a profound and valuable experience, and there is often a waiting list for staff.
Do your retreats have anything to do with sex?
No, not directly. People can share about sexual issues if they feel the need; but the process itself has nothing to do with sex. We are deeply committed to upholding the boundaries and safety of all participants with the highest level of respect and integrity. Romantic or sexual relationships during the retreat are prohibited. To maintain a supportive environment, all participants and staff are required to agree, both verbally and in writing, to refrain from any romantic or sexual interactions during the retreat.
Is the Path of Love 7-Day Retreat a confidential process? Will what I share or talk about be private?
The process is 100% confidential. Both a signed and verbal commitment to confidentiality is taken by all participants and staff at the beginning of the process.
Will I feel any pressure to conform to any particular spiritual world view?
No, absolutely not. We welcome people from all religious faiths and spiritual paths. There is no agenda to influence or change anyone’s religious faith.
What types of people do the Path of Love 7-Day Retreat and where?
Since our first retreat at the Osho International Meditation Resort in 1995, we have welcomed participants from approximately 115 countries ranging in age from 17 to 84, from all walks of life and cultural backgrounds, and have conducted retreats in over 38 countries and in 6 languages.
Why do people choose to do the Path of Love 7-Day Retreat?
People choose to do this meditation and personal development process for many reasons. In general, people that do this retreat want to expand their horizons, in the sense that they feel they are not living their lives to their fullest potential. Often people come with some sense of dissatisfaction or unhappiness, relationship or family issues, a feeling of resignation, low energy or low creativity, or loss of passion and meaning and a deep longing for change and inspiration.
People also come to break addictive, compulsive, habits and patterns and to find answers to deep existential questions about their life. Others are in a transitional phase of life; sometimes having experienced a deep loss and with a longing to come to peace with themselves. For some people, their lives are going really well, yet they feel they are missing some deeper inner meaning. This process addresses the whole range of human problems and issues, and our eternal, underlying quest for meaning.
What will I get out of attending a retreat?
Participants often leave this personal growth workshop with a newfound sense of dignity, self-love, joy, relaxed confidence, and trust. A natural emotional intelligence, a sense of belonging, and connection to a global community, along with compassion for yourself and others is a big part of what you receive in this process. Graduates of Path of Love are able to deal with stress in a healthier way, for both body and mind. They have improved relationships and understandings as parents, children, partners, siblings, friends and co-workers. They have a greater sense of meaning in life, and are able to take responsibility and contribute to significant changes in their lives (relationships, work), communities (giving back, volunteering), and the environment.
Who are the Leaders and Facilitators?
Our Facilitators and Leaders have many traditional and alternative trainings, both in Western psychology and Eastern meditation and mindfulness practices, and experience in various psychological and therapeutic modalities. They are also highly skilled therapists in this particular methodology and an intensive training is required to become a Path of Love Facilitator and Leader.
How many participants are there in the process?
The normal size of a group is 24 – 44 participants, with 2 Leaders and a dedicated Facilitator and Assistant for every 9 – 12 people. There is also a volunteer staff, generally equal to the number of participants, who come from all over the world to support the participants and the process.
Can I exercise, meditate, or do yoga practices during the process?
We ask you to devote all your time and attention to the process. During the retreat you will be asked to put all other practices to the side and only follow the meditation exercises that are part of the group. After the retreat, you are encouraged to return to your life-enhancing practices.
What other restrictions are there during the week?
During the process we ask participants to refrain from alcohol, tobacco, and any intoxicants. The habitual consumption of these are often ways to avoid our feelings, and by not using them, it will help deepen your process.
What do I tell my employers or my family regarding my absence?
During the week of the retreat, we ask that you arrange things so that you can fully focus on the work at hand (as if you were on a silent meditation retreat). Plan not to make or receive calls. Exceptions can be made (for example, if you need to contact your children). In an emergency, you can be reached through a number which will be provided.
Is language translation available, or can I bring a translator?
In Australia, Croatia, Greece, India, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, United Kingdom and USA, the group is only held in English, so you must be able to speak and understand English well to participate. In Brazil, Israel, Mexico and Portugal, the local language is offered together with English. In Germany and Italy, we offer Path of Love workshops only in English, and also in German and Italian.
Where will I stay and what are the sleeping arrangements?
The sleeping arrangements vary from place to place. Often you have one or two roommates of the same gender in a comfortable room. In some instances, it is possible to book a single room.
Will I get enough sleep?
Yes. You will get enough sleep and rest every night giving you adequate time to integrate the work.
What kind of food is provided?
Food is usually vegetarian and of high quality. You get a big breakfast and dinner, and a light lunch. Dietary provisions are provided if possible. It is advisable to bring your own extra snacks with you, for between meals.
I am disabled/have a chronic illness. Can I participate?
If you are concerned about your ability to take part in any of the retreat activities, we invite you to have a complimentary call with a member of our team to discuss your requirements. At all possible opportunities, we will make reasonable adjustments and work with the partner venue to make it possible for you to take part.
I am under treatment for a psychiatric disorder. Can I participate?
In general, we don’t accept people that are under psychiatric treatment or on medication for psychiatric reasons, except when they are cleared and recommended for participation by their doctor. If you would like to discuss your readiness with your therapist, and they have questions for us, please direct them to our Therapist Resource Page, where they can request our Guidelines for Professionals manual, or talk directly with one of our Retreat Advisors.
I have a busy life, and I want to do the process. Can I go back to work immediately afterwards?
We recommend that you take a few days after the retreat for integration. If needed, you can return to your work and family lives immediately after the process.
What are the selection criteria for admission, how does the selection process work, how do I have the best chance to get accepted and is there any preparatory work I can do?
When you apply, you will receive an Application Form, which will ask questions about your health background and your experience in either therapy or meditation. This is usually followed by an on-line interview with one of our staff to determine whether the process is appropriate for you, and if it is the right time for you to participate. It is advisable to have done some inner work, preferably in a group format, but this is not a prerequisite. You will be asked to complete a medical form and a personal questionnaire, which will help our Facilitators ensure you have the best process possible. There are no other prerequisites or entry requirements to attend the Path of Love.
Do I need to purchase any course materials, or is everything provided? How many hours of study are there outside of the group?
All course study materials are provided for you as part of your participation. Each evening after the group there is a writing assignment, which can take from 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the evening assignment and the depth of your answers. After Path of Love concludes, there is a 5-day integration program of approximately 45 minutes to an hour each day, an 8-week aftercare program which may take from 5 to 30 minutes per week of study, and a suggested reading list to further your inner work. There are also 3-weeks of recommended sessions with a partner of one hour each, and three group sessions of approximately 2 hours each.
Are your courses accredited? Can any professional qualifications be attained through attending your courses?
Yes, We are certified as an Educational Training Institute through CRKBO (Centraal Register Kort Beroepsonderwijs), and have demonstrably complied with the Quality Code for Training Institutes for Short Vocational Education. Our courses are also accredited through S.I.A.F., a board of professional proficiency accreditation based in Florence, Italy. S.I.A.F. is certified UNI EN ISO 9001:2008, a member of Association Professionnel del la Santé Complémentaire, and of Perry Johnson Registrars. Participation in our courses can be used towards accreditation as a Holistic Counsellor or Holistic Operator. The qualifications for this program are in addition to our courses, and more detail can be found by visiting S.I.A.F. at www.siafitalia.it.
After the Path of Love 7-day Retreat, are there further advanced work or courses? How can I stay involved? Are there local support groups?
Yes! We offer follow up retreats for Path of Love Graduates on-line and in person in many countries. Often people go on to do Walking the Path (Step Two to the Path of Love 7-Day Retreat) or stay involved through staffing. In some cities, such as London, Cologne, Boulder, Sydney, and Zurich, we have local meditation and sharing evenings for Path of Love graduates. We continue to expand, which allows us to offer more groups, trainings, and events than ever before.
Meet the Path Retreats Leaders

Rani Bossot
Rani has been deeply involved in the Path of Love since 1996, a long love affair including facilitating and core organization. Presence, inquiry, meditation, and the joy and curiosity to find the truth are themes close to her heart. For the past 35 years she has trained in and received certification in numerous bodywork arts, humanistic and somatic therapies, and is a certified Holistic Counselor Professional (SIAF)

Abigail Iquo Isuo
Abigail is an Integrative Transpersonal Psychotherapist with an MA in Transpersonal Psychotherapy, a Supervisor’s Diploma in Psychotherapy and a BSc in Psychology. She is accredited by the UKCP and is member of BACP, and is a certified EMDR Practitioner and NLP practitioner. She has Diploma’s in Family Constellations facilitation and she is a Breath work facilitator having trained in many breath modalities.

Alima Cameron
Alima has been working in the field of transformation with herself and others for 40 years. She is passionate about awakening and seeks to embody authenticity and compassion in her life and her work with people.

Gita Wagner
An accident in her late teens shook Gita’s identity and created an opening into being. In the wake of this event she gradually abandoned her university studies and trained in the modalities which helped her heal: Bioenergetics (A. Lowen), Biodynamic Massage (G. Boyesen) and Rebirthing (L. Orr). After practicing Zen Buddhism and Sufism for some time, she met Osho in 1983. This meeting was an initiation into a whole different level of inquiry into the human condition and into silence.

Halima Hane
Halima Hane is Heilpraktikerin for Psychotherapy with a private practice in Frankfurt, and has been working as a practicing therapist since 1982. With her background knowledge in Primary Therapy, Sexual De-Conditioning, Tantra, Bioenergetics, Somatic Experiencing by Peter Levine and Rebalancing, combined with her understanding and loving approach, she creates a safe and supportive environment for transformation and growth. Halima offers Primal Therapy and Tantra seminars as well as Women’s Groups.

Nirodha Stearns
Nirodha first dove into the human potential movement in 1982. He become involved in group process work in 1991, working extensively with tantra, primal, the man/woman relational field, trauma and attachment, substance abuse and somatic approaches to working with people.

Prema McKeever
Prema McKeever is a somatic therapist, group workshop facilitator and educator who combines more than 20 years of experience in Eastern medicine, meditation, emotional release work, and body-mind therapies. Her work is about guiding you in your journey to wholeness and clarity about who you really are.

Sambhavo Lombardo
Sambhavo is a specialized therapist with a Clinical Master and Ph.D. in Psychology. He was a psychology researcher and teacher at the University of Florence from 1994 till 2000, and is a Path of Love Leader in English, Italian and Spanish.

Samved Dass
Samved has worked in the world of psychotherapy and meditation for more than 25 years. His passion for inner enquiry led him to India and to Osho`s transformational therapies. There he trained extensively with many aspects of therapy including bioenergetics, encounter, rebirthing, primal therapy and counselling. Samved has trained and worked with the Path of Love for 25 years and continues to be inspired by the depth of insight and transformation provided by the Process.

Shubhaa Fisher
From Brazil, Shubhaa holds a degree in Psychology, from the University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil, specializing in Gestalt & Relationship Therapy. She is a certified teacher and therapist in Co-Dependency Therapy by the Learning Love Institute, USA. Shubhaa is a Leader in the Path Retreats Processes in Europe and South America.

Sudhir Seyboth
After years of practice and education in Meditation, Inner Child Therapy, Bioenergetics, Breath Therapy, Group Dynamics, NLP, Hellinger Family Constellation, Stress Management and many more holistic healing techniques, Sudhir began to travel around the world to lead courses at personal growth centers in Europe and the US. Now 30 years later, Sudhir’s passion continues to be supporting people in their personal transformation, helping them to live their full potential.

Talib Fisher
From the USA, Talib is an educator and clinical therapist specializing in relational and trauma resolutions. He is a Leader of the Path Retreats processes in Europe and South America. He studied Psychology at Arizona State University, USA, Osho Academy in Sedona Arizona, USA, Osho International Pune, India and is deeply inspired by Dr. Dan Segle of the Mindsight Institute in California USA.

Turiya Hanover
Turiya Hanover has extensive experience in leading personal development groups and trainings globally since 1973. Turiya has been trained in: Gestalt, Bioenergetics, Psychodrama, Family Therapy (V. Satir), NLP, Hypnosis, Somatic Experiencing™ (Peter Levine), Ego Psychology, Family Constellation, Enneagram and Astrology.

Veeto Eitel
From Germany, Veeto holds an MA in Social Science and is a licensed psychotherapist specialized in working with developmental trauma resolutions. She is a Leader of the Path Retreats processes in Europe, and has been working with people since 1995 and is passionate about sharing her experiences of integrating understandings from both the Eastern and Western approaches to human development.

Rafia Morgan
Since 1976 Rafia Morgan has been deeply involved with spiritual and personal growth work. After completing his BA in Economics at UC Berkeley he recognized a personal need to move away from social and political action and focus on inner exploration. In 1978 he met his spiritual master Osho and spent many years in his presence. Over the years he has passionately investigated his own inner world and has thus participated and trained in innumerable spiritual and therapeutic approaches.