At a Path of Love
retreat you will…
retreat you will…

Face and shift core issues including healing from grief and past trauma, relationships and life experiences

Learn to be still and present, feel your emotions, listen to your body, and reduce the dominance of the mind

Experience reduction in stress, fear, and anxiety

Discover your inner richness, and find an increased self-worth and passion for life

A 7-day personal wellness retreat
Meet yourself and your longing at a deeper level.
The Path of Love 7-Day Wellness Retreat includes:
- A personal video session before the retreat with a Path of Love Organizer or Facilitator
- 7-days of immersion in the life-changing Path of Love wellness retreat with highly qualified facilitators, including both individual and group therapy
- Over 100 hours of the Path of Love wellness retreat, course materials and support
- 5-day integration process to support you after the Path of Love wellness retreat
- Three group video call follow-up sessions after the Path of Love wellness retreat, led by a Path Retreats facilitator
- 3 weeks of follow-up sharings with another group member
- 8 week graduate aftercare email program
- Access to our advanced graduate programs and membership in our worldwide community of graduates, including our graduate Facebook page, and in-person group sharing sessions and meditation evenings for graduates in select cities

Called “5 years of transformation in one week”, this personal development and meditation retreat will challenge and enrich you, and give you the meaning and fulfillment we all long for.
Benefits of the Path of
Love 7-Day residential
spiritual retreat include:
Benefits of the Path of
Love 7-Day residential
spiritual retreat include:
Osheanic Brazil Spiritual
Retreat Center
One of the most beautiful centers for meditation in Latin America and created for the evolution of consciousness, Osheanic Brazil is filled with coconut and cashew trees, tropical gardens with hiking trails, and located within walking distance to the sea between the paradisaical dunes of Prainha.
Book your spot

Retreat Placement (English Application)
If you live outside Brazil and wish to apply in English, please use this link to secure your space. A limited number of partial scholarships are available for this retreat. If you require financial assistance, please indicate it on the application form.

Reserva para o Retiro (aplicação em português)
Se você reside no Brasil e deseja realizar sua inscrição em português, utilize este link para garantir sua vaga. Um número limitado de bolsas parciais está disponível para este retiro. Caso necessite de assistência financeira, por favor, indique isso no formulário de inscrição.