A Sharing from a Path of Love Graduate

03 Mar Articles, Featured, Path of Love by Matti Ryan /

We all are missing the intensive transformation of Path of Love, however, the healing work of Path of Love is still relevant and alive in the world. While we are waiting for the days to come when we can meet in person we thought we would share this beautiful testimonial of the healing work that can occur. The gift of this testimonial comes to us from Ines Schönenberg a graduate of Path of Love in Portugal, 2020.

Guest blog written by Ines Schönenberg

I love the OSHO quote: "Once you have tasted the joy of being open you cannot be closed again, First you may open only a window or a door, and then you open all your windows and all the doors."

I had the indescribable luck to do Path of Love right before the lockdown in Portugal. I knew right then that this experience changed my life, but 14 months later I can now report that it really changed my life and the way I go through life. I have learned so much that one can hardly learn anywhere else and most of all I got to know myself in depth with all the pain and traumas, the joy, the sadness, the good and bad…

The people and the experiences I had with them even after Path of Love make me humble, deeply grateful, and touch my heart deeply. Not to forget the person who showed me Path of Love in the first place. I have never experienced so much heart and compassion in my whole life. I have never been held like this before. I have never been able to talk about the unspeakable things before. And it feels good. It gets lighter in my heart, even though I still have an ocean of tears.

Path of Love has given depth to my life and I have met people with whom I feel more connected in my heart than ever before. At the same time it was the most difficult and painful thing I have done. It takes courage to look at yourself naked, to question, to take off the mask and become what you are in the depths. But the people at Path of Love hold you and give you the opportunity to get to know yourself, to heal, to change your life in a safe place. This experience now guides me through and through and gives me a whole new orientation.

It is only a first step for me personally, but POL has brought me on my individual path.

I am deeply sad and feel for all the people who could not make POL this past year and I hope with all my heart that it can happen again soon.

I hope from the bottom of my heart that Path of Love will come through this challenging time and that many more people will be able to have these wonderful experiences, and to decide more consciously how they want to live their lives and find the compassion that each and every one of us needs.

– Ines Schönenberg