Path of Love Australia

Hunter Valley NSW, Australia
May 15 - 22, 2025
Path of Love

A life-changing personal growth and
wellness retreat

The Path of Love 7-day wellness retreat is one of the most intensive and life-changing process in the world today. Called “5 years of transformation in one week”, this meditation and personal development retreat will challenge and enrich you, and give you the meaning and fulfillment we all long for.

Established 29 years ago in India, this residential personal development and meditation retreat is now conducted in 17 countries, on five continents and in six languages. It has gained an extraordinary reputation amongst people who really want to come to know the truth about themselves.

At a Path of Love
retreat you will…

Path Retreats participant

Face and shift core issues including healing from grief and past trauma, relationships and life experiences

Path Retreats participant

Learn to be still and present, feel your emotions, listen to your body, and reduce the dominance of the mind

Path Retreats participant

Experience reduction in stress, fear, and anxiety

Path Retreats participant

Discover your inner richness, and find an increased self-worth and passion for life

Australian wellness retreat

A 7-day personal wellness retreat

Meet yourself and your longing at a deeper level.

The Path of Love 7-Day Wellness Retreat includes:

  • A personal video session before the retreat with a Path of Love Organiser or Facilitator
  • 7-days of immersion in the life-changing Path of Love wellness retreat with highly qualified facilitators, including both individual and group therapy
  • Over 100 hours of the Path of Love wellness retreat, course materials and support
  • 5-day integration process to support you after the Path of Love wellness retreat
  • Three group video call follow-up sessions after the Path of Love wellness retreat, led by a Path Retreats facilitator
  • 3 weeks of follow-up sharings with another group member
  • 8 week graduate aftercare email program
  • Access to our advanced graduate programs and membership in our worldwide community of graduates, including our graduate Facebook page, and in-person group sharing sessions and meditation evenings for graduates in select cities
Australia Wellness Retreat

Called “5 years of transformation in one week”, this personal development and meditation retreat will challenge and enrich you, and give you the meaning and fulfillment we all long for.

Benefits of the Path of 
Love 7-Day residential 
spiritual retreat include:


The ability to connect and make deep, authentic contact with others.


The capacity to be still and present, feel your emotions, listen to your body and reduce the dominance of the mind.


An increase in your passion for life and sense of your true value, resulting in an innate capacity to live in joy, ease and dignity.


Recognition of our common humanity.


A natural confidence and trust that you can meet life’s challenges, choose actions that are empowering, and create the life that you long for.


Reduction of stress, fear, and anxiety, and healing from grief and loss.


Inclusiveness of all life, despite religion, race, caste, cultural background, gender, social status, sexuality, gender or any other perceived difference. This leads naturally to acceptance and living in peace.


Recognition and appreciation of your essential “spiritual” nature, the part of you that exists behind and beyond the conditioned layer of the personality.

join the path

Book your spot

15th May 2025
22nd May 2025
Australia Path of Love

Retreat Enrolment (early-bird)

Secure your space with a deposit of just AUD$800.00. Bookings made before 6 March 2025 will be eligible for this early bird price of AUD$4650. After that date, the full rate is AUD$5150.

Accommodation is included in the above pricing. Accommodation is comfortable and prices are based on twin share rooms with someone of the same gender. A limited amount of single rooms are available upon application for an additional cost.

Financial assistance is available in the form of interest-free loans, plus there are a limited number of partial scholarships in certain cases of financial hardship. If you require financial assistance, please indicate it on the application form. The AUD$800 deposit is still payable at time of booking to apply for financial assistance. In the event we are not able to meet your financial assistance requirements, then this deposit will be refunded in full. It will also be fully refunded if it’s decided during the pre-retreat interview that the Path of Love is not the right retreat for you at this time, minus a small administration fee.

From AUD$4,650 Per person
Booking banner

Discovery Session

Want to learn more about whether the Path of Love 7-Day Retreat is the right process for you?
Book a free discovery session with one of our retreat facilitators here in Australia, where we will briefly explore some of the topics or concerns you would like to focus on.

In this free 15-minute video call, our professionally trained team member will give you a deeper insight into the Path of Love 7-Day Retreat and help you decide if it is a good fit for your life right now.

Free Per person

The Path of Love? Scary, thrilling, profoundly moving, heart-warming and joyous in equal measure. To come face to face with one's own personal pain, regrets, fears and doubts - and those of others - and then to see all those difficult emotions transmuted into unbridled joy. And to think I almost didn't go.

David Leser, Journalist and Author